Friday, July 20, 2007

Reporting from Taiwan!!!

WE are here in taiwan!! Wanted to blog everyday, but the coms here are only available from 8am - 10pm.

We are now at Rainbow Hotel aka Chang Hong Fan Dian. In room 307!!!

First day - 19 Jul 07
So exciting. First time boarding an airplane.. Jetstar airplane are really SMALL!! We took the emergency seats. There was a crazy woman who kept walking around the plane when the place took off and ended up sitting right beside me. She kept talking to her wrist as though it was a walkie talkie.So uncomfortable with her throughout the whole ride. Haiz....

Some pics of the Jetstar plane...

The plane we are taking!

Looking outside of the plane while high up in the sky.

Here's px and ping reading their Harry Porter book. These are also our emergency seats. Can you imagine how cramp the normal seats are!

P.S. They said can't show pics of them. Side views should be ok bah. Hehe.

BTW I didnt know they will search our body when we checking into the flight at Changi Airport...

Plane landed in Taoyuan Airport. formerly known as Chiang Kak Shiek Airport at 5.40pm... After some delay, we were out of the customs around 6.00pm.. We went to register for the youth travel card at the counter on the right hand side. Then rushed all the way to the other end to buy bus tix to our Hotel by Freego!!!

We are all dropped tired!!! And super hungry!! nearly 5 hours flight with no food.. Took 30 mins bus ride before changing to a smaller bus to send us to the hotel.. Not directly right in front of the hotel because our hotel is right in the middle of Ximending... Here at Ximending is bustling with activity in the night..

The view I took on the bus to Hotel.

The hotel room is quite cozy and clean... Not bad!! Also has very friendly staff!! I realised I forgotten to take a pic of the Hotel from the outside. Must be really very hungry!

After which, we went to Shilin Night Market.. We took their Jie Yun aka MRT to Jiantan Stn.. Was abit lost because there are 2 Shilin Night Market, one is covered and the other is not.. We went to the uncovered one. There are alot of stalls... and alot of people!!! Bought a top together with my 2 other friends, px and ping, because 3 for NT500... In the end, each top is around SGD$7... Cheap Cheap... Bought 2 sets of clothes for my 2 cousins...

Here's a pic of the Jiantan station. Look like AMK MRT station? At least I think so.

The sheltered Shilin Night Market which has alot of food stalls. Taken from the Jiantan Stn platform.

The food are really nice!! Px, ping and st tried the Ah Zhong Mian Xian at the Shinlin Night Market. It is located at the unsheltered section.

We are eating inside the shop. Alot of seats but quite stuffy inside.

Here's the FAMOUS Ah Zhong Mian Xian!!! Initially, we thought it is oyster in it. In the end, st figured it is actually chicken skin!

The tacopachi in Shilin Night Market! Not bad. But I think Singapore's taste better. Their texture taste harder. But it is cheap. Can't remember the price though.

Went back to the hotel around 12am... and watched TV till 2am plus then went to slp....

Pics of my shopping buys for the day.

The top I bought with px & ping.

Below are 2 sets of clothing bought for my cousins.

End of First Day!

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